The Story about Two Hedgehogs

       In this stop motion animation, I wanted to show the special intimacy between my father and me.

       In the Oxford dictionary, the first meaning of “intimacy” is “close familiarity or friendship.” And I thought about the relationship between my father and me. When I was a child, we lived in the same place, but we always argued. But when I grew up and went abroad to study, we started to understand and learn how to peace with each other. So I thought the “close” in the definition refers to the distance between physics and the spirit. 

        In this work, I compared my father and me to two hedgehogs. Because hedgehogs have sharp spines, they cannot be so closed if they do not put away their spines. But they also have soft bodies under the spines. It’s just like affection between us. As mentioned in the first question, I chose two high contrast materials to show the unique intimacy. 

        Please open the voice so that you can hear the story between the hedgehogs.

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